Have you ever tried skydiving? To me, it’s a bit like having a spiritual experience.
Just the thought of it makes most of us feel a bit uncomfortable.
It feels risky. Like a departure from the known. We’re all pretty good with the status quo or the more familiar “being on the ground” of things, but it really does offer us a unique perspective of being human that we’d otherwise never have. Today I’d like to reflect on why it’s so incredible for us to stretch ourselves and try new things so we can experience all that this beautiful life has to offer us.
Why on earth would we even consider jumping out of an airplane when things are just fine as they are down here?
Without meaning to be cheeky, simply because we can.
It’s just another way to experience the fullness of life.
“At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want.”
Lao Tzu
“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
We may be curious after hearing others speak about their experiences and feel drawn to have one of our own because we all feel pulled to grow and expand. I think that happened with me wanting to try skydiving.
The truth is that when we don’t grow or create we simply don’t feel fulfilled, we stagnate and suffer. When we are open and willing to step into the unknown just like stepping off a small plane into the sky filled with uncertainties we create something new.
It feels so good like maybe we are here to create these new moments for ourselves and others. The problem we face is that doing them scares the sh*t out of us.
We start feeling as dull as our good kitchen knives but trying new things can help keep us sharp, even listening to new music is reported to increase our mental acuity. We don’t have to be so extreme all we need to do is to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to push the envelope a wee bit will to help us evolve and it will change us from the inside out.
In the same way that when we ask to be shown how to see things differently we’ll be guided to have an experience that we could scarcely have imagined otherwise from the safe harbor of the known.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite.”
William Blake
It all starts with a thought inside of our own minds. Everything we do, create, and experience comes from that thinking. There’s a biblical passage that I always loved where Jesus encourages us to first clean the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside may become clean as well. (Matthew 23:26) When we shift our thinking or our inner experience what we see our in our life changes with it.
We’re like the conductors of a beautiful symphony of life unfolding in the events we participate in our lives that like building blocks accumulate to create our days, weeks, and months. After years of stacking experiences, we’ve made a beautiful home for ourselves to share with others. In reverse, our unlived lives happen with our own consent and can make our homes feel haunted. Like something is missing but it’s never too late to renovate and shake out the dust and maybe today’s finally the day!
You get to choose, but we can easily end up having mostly the same exact thoughts, enjoying the same views, seeing the same people, and having the same conversations day after day, year after year.
Maybe we get comfortable and stuck in our ways because we’re just trying our best to keep our heads above water. We easily dismiss things and become complacent because we’re already feeling busy or overwhelmed, so we slip into habits like nesting on our couches in our pajamas and not wanting to leave home or even go out anymore.
But eventually, there is something that sparks up inside of us that makes us want to say YES to life and when we do, it’s like a caleidoscope of new colors, sensations, and life.
We may have doubts and say no thank you if someone suggests we join them for a walk, try a class at a new yoga studio, join them for live music at their church, or order a spiritual book that mysteriously keeps crossing our path. What if the next time an opportunity presented itself we said YES if something deep inside of us feels compelled?
In my experience, it’s how we find or are guided to what we love, what feels good, and how we meet the people we are destined to meet that are waiting for us to do those things.
The self-study spiritual text “A Course In Miracles” kept quite literally crossing my path. I started seeing it everywhere I went and I started to laugh out loud, but every time I picked it up I frowned because it just didn’t seem like an easy read. It scared me, it had a lot of Christian and religious terms and that felt like a red flag. I eventually heeded the call, caved in and purchased it. It admittedly collected dust for years but when I finally answered the call and joined a study group to make it through from cover to cover to see what I was missing. My socks were knocked off and my life improved drastically, by simply cleaning out the inside of my cup first. I wish I hadn’t waited 2 decades so although I’m all about “being”, today’s post is really about action and DOING that thing that scares us even if we’re not sure we can at first.
I became a Minister and I’m starting online study groups BECAUSE of that one book.
In the book “The Life of Pi”, the story demonstrates that it’s in times of doubt that our faith is found. We say things like “Please God, help me!” even if we’re an atheist on the edge of a plane high in the sky mustering up the courage to step off. We don’t need to hold any belief or concept of God in our minds and yet it just seems to roll out of our mouths and minds like a universal “go-to” to help us find faith in uncertainty.
The word “faith” itself wouldn’t exist if there was no such thing as the word doubt. Doubt is essential to the very definition of faith. Doubt only exists in a context of certainty, it’s actually built into it. A proposition you couldn't doubt wouldn't be a matter of faith. When we risk losing everything or put down our man-made masks, fears, and our egos are stripped bare we find all that remains. Our faith.
We also can’t try to HAVE a spiritual experience in the same way that we can’t really try to skydive. As Yoda famously put it: “Do or do not, there is no try”. We can’t dive into the sky without jumping feet first and we can’t become self-actualized until we become willing to muster up the faith to be willing to do it.
When our minds are already full of other ideas, and concepts there is no more room for us to even carry something new or increase our spiritual intelligence so let’s create a wee bit of space or just make a small fissure in our minds to allow for new possibilities, books, teachers and insights to seep in and guide us along our soul’s path.
I wonder if sometimes it’s why so many of us feel stuck in our lives around mid-life. We understandably just get so good at managing the status quo that we find ourselves very set in our ways. We give up on feeling adrenaline or being as adventurous and open-minded as we were when we were in our twenties. We somehow forget that WE are the ones driving the bus that is guiding our experience of life and we can turn off any time we want onto a new road.
Alternately we allow others to persuade us when we know something is not for us. We’ll even do jobs for decades to please our parents or for our spouses or children. Maybe we don’t love to go ice fishing or spend our vacations at Legoland but we do it for others which is a wonderful thing to share, but today is ALL about you. Although it IS father’s day so I’m going fishing with my own Father, but you know what I think mean;)
We even tend to eat the same breakfast and walk the dog on the same trails, and even in the same direction. We end up seeing and speaking to the same people every day so our conversations and thoughts end up being about the same as yesterday and can start feeling a bit groundhog-ish.
Something deep inside of us rises up once in a while to resist that monotony and reminds us that we want to LIVE our life, experience all the beauty, and take delight in all of creation. We seek to better understand our true nature and who we are.
Once we’ve decided on something and the big day approaches we FEEL it in every cell of our body. Dread, anticipation and even butterflies just thinking about what is about to go down.
It’s so exciting, you feel so alive. (even when you find out that your diving instructor that you are harnessed to sidelines as a porn star and you try not to judge. lol NOT even kidding!! )
Once you’re no longer lost in your thoughts but simply in the present moment you feel it…peace. You’re not thinking about the problems in your relationship, the tuition bills that need to be paid, the situation at work, or what you’re going to make for dinner.
They all vanish and there you are stripped away of everything non-essential.
Just you and your breath.
You feel fully alive. All things are made new.
It brings to mind a movie made by National Geographic called “Free Solo”. The climber describes the ecstasy of being totally in the present moment which is exactly what we experience when we have an inner shift and awaken to our true nature.
Life moves through you, there are no thoughts of what you need to do today, of the past or the future, or any concepts in your mind, but simply being in the now. It’s hard to even imagine how that could feel good and yet it’s such a relief it can take our breath away.
You are suddenly a full participant in your life with the deep knowing that for every move you make you are 100% responsible for whatever the effects will be and you are willing to take that chance because it’s the ecstasy we feel by doing it.
You’re not identifying with your name, your sex, your reputation, your body, your work, your bank balance, or how your children behave in public.
Just alive and being the essential you.
It can feel like a sensory explosion.
A rush of adrenaline. A blissful feeling.
Our vulnerability and mortality are front and center.
You feel yourself smiling. With the centrifugal force on your cheeks, you let go and just go from one moment to the next. You may notice that a few thoughts or observations pass through your mind like…
“WOW!”, or “OH, MY GOooooooooOOOD!!!!”
When it’s time and you awkwardly inch your way to the edge of the open door.
The open doorway seems so impossibly high up. You have second thoughts, this seems like a really bad idea to your brain. Getting out of the plane is a bit of an ordeal for your whole nervous and limbic systems, it seems like your essence is the only part of you that appears to be onside with what you are about to do.
You block it out, stop thinking and transcend all of the mechanisms in your body driven by fear that keep you safe and keep you small.
And you decide to just do it.
t can apply to anything new we dare to do, not just skydiving. Maybe you decide to start a business or launch an online course to be of service, or maybe you join a bible study group and finally read the whole bible cover to cover, or you bravely go to the running or cycling group in your community even though you’re not sure you can keep up.
When you are doing it you are totally focused and present because it’s new. Different. You are alert and learning.
For example, today my husband and some of his friends are on a running adventure in Killarney. They are running the entire 78-kilometer La Cloche Silhouette Trail in Ontario’s Killarney Provincial Park is a loop that hikers love that is typically done over six to nine days in one.
Why? Because they can. They trained, worked out their blisters in new shoes, and have their hydration packs filled with water, gels, and peanut butter and jam sandwiches. They have no idea what they will be facing or if they can even make it around safely and uninjured since much of it will be in the dark, but they are out there this very moment having an experience they’ll never forget.
Their run will be taking them through a beautiful landscape that includes pretty, crystal-clear lakes, stunning sections of open forest, and over-white quartzite ridges that offer picturesque views of the La Cloche Mountain Range. The trail is dedicated to the memory of The Group of Seven artist, Franklin Carmichael (1890-1945) and is named for his painting La Cloche Silhouette.
Fun “coincidence”…they just texted that they are about a third of the way in (25km) and feeling decent.
Does reading any of this make you wonder what YOU could do or try next?
I went for lunch with some girlfriends yesterday and we tossed around some ideas of adventures we could do with our partners next year. Even just brainstorming felt exciting.
What would you want to do if money and time weren’t an issue?
That’s a good place to start and let it evolve from there. Next week I’ll help guide you on how to create the resources or opportunities or find the people you’ll need to support your decision, but today is all about blue skies and possibilities.
What is pulling at your heartstrings that you’ve NEVER DONE and have always wanted to? A safari? Learning to play pickleball? Start dating again? (author’s note: not advisable if you’re married:)
Maybe you’re imagining your very first piano recital at the age of 50, hiking the Camino trail by yourself, leaving a job or a bad relationship that you know is not working, qualifying for Hawaii or Boston, going on a spiritual pilgrimage, swimming across Lake Ontario, being a part of the global The Trillion Tree Campaign to help reforest our planet or choosing a meaningful foundation and setting a fundraising goal so big that it scares you. It was African Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai’s billion tree project that inspired a 9-year-old boy Felix Finkbeiner who now at 25 leads an organization with 130 employees with 70,000 international members in 67 countries planting a new tree every 15 seconds in the Trillion tree campaign.
What you decide affects the next generations in ways you may never imagine.
If you’re wondering how to do this it’s very simple…
Get quiet, take a deep breath, exhale get still, ask, and listen.
Try it right now. If you don’t have an insight don’t worry, the idea will come. Maybe not in this very moment, but it’s on its way.
100% guaranteed once you’ve asked.
Your idea will be different than mine. Once you have it, you simply muster up your faith, turn off your phone, and your thinking, roll off your couch, and take whatever inspired action comes first.
You symbolically step off the side of the plane into the abyss and accept your fate.
The start gun has gone off on your first marathon and you have no idea how this will turn out or if you will make it to the finish line. You’re on your way and you may feel the excuses bubbling to the surface on why you can’t but you don’t listen or feed them and trust something deeper inside of you.
You totally surrender to the experience and the moment.
The free fall feels powerful. You don’t even know if the parachute will open.
There is no going back now.
This baby is being born.
A strong force is pulling you. It’s all happening and you’re noticing the fear, but you feel momentum. You’re trusting. You’re being led. Allowing the coincidences to guide you, listening to your inner voice.
You relax and when your shute opens suddenly pulled upward through some miracle beyond belief where everything is silent. It’s a stark contrast. You go from falling fast and out of control and the loudness from picking up speed and feeling all the effects then suddenly you’re floating.
You can see from where you are now that it was just the initial resistance that was so hard, stepping off took so much effort, and the launch of your idea that you used up so much of your available energy and resources but now it’s almost done. The beautiful landscape stretches out below.
You notice it all at once. Your perception is wide open and suddenly everything feels so expansive.
Your mind may come back online with a thought or two…I remember noticing my husband floating and waving and smiling in the distance having his own moment.
This is our own personal experience and it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. We have an inner knowing and we’re following that to find a truth that feels right for us. If my husband said no thank you that would have been okay with me, I know he supports me to do my thing as I do for him. I’m not with him in Killarney today (only in spirit) but he’s having his own adventure here I am so proud of him and I’m being affected by him making that inspired choice and now so are hundreds of you.
There is no medal, no prize, no water stations and no one is cheering at the side of the trail for them today. It may just be the hardest physical challenge he’s ever faced and the word hard probably doesn’t even begin to describe what he’s doing in the same way that the word “labor” doesn’t quite capture the process of giving birth.
There are no words for this.
There was a moment, I’m not sure when exactly it happened, but it was an awareness more than anything that enveloped the whole skydive experience for me. The same with my own personal spiritual realization that we are all one with the source of all of creation.
Floating down from above I remember mostly so much natural beauty and the green and blues of the water looked tropical then noticed all of our strange human markings and activities that scared the land. The separated properties are dotted on the surface of the earth like afterthoughts. Our deepest nature is that we are nature.
I had that same distance like I was somehow outside of myself observing my body. I have a similar expansive feeling now when I meditate. There is a space between the inner experience of my everyday life and this bird’s eye view without being caught up in my thought storms and concepts.
The ground was coming up fast and my attention went back to “reality” as I had known it. The moment my feet hit the ground it was done. Elation. Then in rushed my ego… I found myself wondering if my hair could be mistaken as a bird’s nest in the photos that were being taken or how my whole body must have looked like it was sausaging out of the harness. Picture a full-body camel toe! lol But even with my ego back online I somehow felt a bit freer than I did before I jumped when I was nervously harnessing up and heading out. Adrenaline and bliss had all happened and I could sense that my biology had changed.
It’s like everything was the same as before I jumped, but I was filled with a sense of awe and wonder for that sameness. And now even my already handsome partner looked even more attractive to me. The ground too. I jokingly bowed down to kiss it reverently when just 60 minutes before it was just dirt, even seen as something that could potentially scuff my new sneakers.
It was fascinating not just to learn about this but to EXPERIENCE IT. You can read about things, think about them, talk and plan about them, or watch a movie about them, but it’s different when you are doing them. When you’re IN it.
Afterward, you inevitably find yourself thinking: “If THIS is possible, what else can I do?”
What is possible for all of us?
In just 5-7 minutes at 14,000 feet, you get to have this alternate experience of life. Same life, just a different perspective.
Awakening to me feels like this.
It’s the most practical thing for us to experience for ourselves. You begin to see that who you are is divinely connected to the source of all of life and you’re not just a body.
You are the same you, you just don’t mind what used to keep you up at night because you see and experience everything differently now.
A brain races and worries, it’s just what a brain does and you no longer identify with it as being YOU or react the way you used to, you just don’t mind or take it to heart.
Seeing this understanding or perspective is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Until we see it for ourselves, it seems like we all just live in the process of culturally acceptable social disclosures. We’re at the mercy of what we’re being told or from the top down. When we experience a shift in consciousness our collective mind becomes available to apprehend reality as it is, not just our ideas of it. We feel stirred. We can grasp, see or believe and experience something new when it’s true we don’t need to be told.
We are all born with this knowing. This intuition of what is right or best is not just for us but for all of humanity.
Our egos that are fed a diet of fear will understandably reject new things at first, like maybe you’d say no to strapping on a parachute because you’ve never considered it to be something you wanted to even try. Just planting a mustard seed of possibility in our minds and being open to what we might like to experience is how it begins.
ALL new concepts are foreign to us at first and then they become a part of us. When we’re shown a new idea that totally contradicts our basic assumptions about the universe or how the world works there is a cognitive dissonance that will evolve with you if you don’t feel forced or threatened and can come to your own conclusions when you’re ready.
Our spiritual journey is a bit like that.
To be honest, any way you slice it, it doesn’t make much intellectual sense to jump out of a plane, run 78km in the wilderness, or even be open to experiencing your life in a new way. Setting down your own previously learned concepts long enough to allow yourself to see things a bit differently seems like a lot of work.
This is not difficult, but it IS different.
Someone very wise once advised me not to allow my intellect to get in the way of my spiritual experience and now I finally understand what that means. If we get in our heads, our ideas or dreams are dead. We’ll just base our decisions and choices on the known. History. The old constructs we were given. We’ll keep doing what we’ve always done.
Most of it is just our fear that keeps things static and keeps us crawling along or ground level of life, we have the free will to stay in our caterpillar stage.
I find it interesting that humans are the ONLY species of life on the planet with free will to NOT live our prescribed inner blueprint or our entelechy. A bird needs to wake up at dawn and do its birdie things because it has no free will.
It’s compelled by life. It’s not up late at night worried about a worm shortage or feeling so overwhelmed that it eats extra worms or drinks distilled fruit to forget or feel better. It can’t get so depressed about its life that it will choose to stay in its nest and pull the straw over its head, hit snooze a few more times, or consider calling in sick or even taking its own life. It doesn’t just go through the motions buying time until the weekend to get to the local watering hole to complain to other birds about all the beaks it has to feed and how life isn’t fair. I
Birds are one with nature, they trust the abundance of nature and its role as a part of the whole beautiful dance of life. Intuitively birds know the route south, they know where to find the worms to feed their babies and they sing their songs. They don’t get lost in anxiety or thinking caught up in the past or even lament when their nest is empty and their chicks are gone.
We do that.
But we also have a more feminine intuition guiding our way to find or receive guidance to find our own “worms”, it’s just covered up by our amazing and giving masculine taskmasters and layers of thought and fear.
In every serious spiritual study program we’re all encouraged to discipline ourselves to scaffold our days with opportunities to sit and listen to that still small voice inside of us. To get quiet. To feel our way forward and to get beneath the layer of thought to our essential selves.
And yet we don’t need to either. We can do whatever we want and most of us do.
WE get to choose, but some of us are running on an automatic ego program that is set on the default of fear to keep us safe. It’s an outdated program like old computer software and it’s time to upload the updates to a newer version when we’re willing.
Even so, some of us are okay with contemplating just staying on the ground of things and that’s okay too.
Until it’s not.
At some point, some of us just KNOW we’re made for something more, but most of us are just not sure what that something is. It’s like a small tiny part of our caterpillar selves knows that we can fly but we’re just not sure how to access that part of us.
We don’t see or perceive any evidence of our budding wings and we have no proof that our metamorphosis is real or even on its way, it’s just not rational or sensible to spend time pining for something we can’t see. We keep doing what we’re doing because the only other option is to curl up in a ball in the dark. It’s a brilliant instinct because we really do need to stop or we’ll make ourselves sick. Unfortunately, most of us ignore the calls and the signs and just keep plugging away, and we end up living feeling lost, irritated with our loved ones, jealous, and suppressing our pain until we no longer know who we even are anymore.
So let’s give ourselves permission to cocoon!
We crave being alone for a good reason. What if this natural inclination and urge we have, is enough for us to regroup and make a quarter turn towards the light? What if we USE our suffering as fuel to get up enough courage to do that thing we want to do?
When we shift our experience inwards it’s the opposite of suffering or feeling stuck in limbo and procrastination.
THERE IS another way to know ourselves and experience our lives. To live in the world by realizing that we’re not entirely of it, we’re so much more. Whether we allow ourselves to become aware of it or not, higher intelligence is available to all of us at every moment.
The same feeling of bliss and excitement is available to us at every moment whether we’re experiencing jumping out of a plane by going a step deeper inside of ourselves. Just like that but the difference and truth are that NOTHING outside of us needs to be done to experience this feeling.
Our joy is an inside job.
Are you willing or open to having that new inner experience?
It’s your birthright.
Maybe you’re not seeking, although if you are reading my work you may be closer than you imagine and if that’s you then please relax, it’s fine to keep setting life goals and living life on the horizontal axis. It’s what we do, and it always makes us happy for a few minutes or even weeks like buying a new car or a house, but it’s just not ultimate. It’s like being a beautiful caterpillar experiencing life in its perfection.
This is YOUR life and don’t let anyone convince you to do something you don’t want to do including me, but when you feel called to the vertical axis or if you’re suffering please know that there is another way.
The good news is that there has never been a better time for us to experience this inner shift. From every corner of the earth, in different cultures, languages, and with different tools and practices or even with no practices at all we have all we can experience this transformational experience of discovering our true nature.
Plant medicines and psychedelics can give us a preview, a kundalini awakening through yoga practices or following the cosmic crumbs establishing a disciplined daily study of a spiritual text like the daily workbook in A Course In Miracles, Human Design or the Law of One can seriously shift what you imagined was possible for humanity. Last but not least is being committed to deciding to take a solo adventure into your own depths with meditation or even a physical pilgrimage.
With an integral approach of having both outside and inside experiences, we can live in a much more highly intelligent way at higher levels of consciousness collectively than ever before on Earth. Our human potential and evolution are something that fills me with so much hope for our collective future.
Each of us has the potential to “Self-Actualize” when we’re ready and there are people all over the planet helping to guide others inside themselves. Together we can do what Maslow’s work pointed us to… transcend our egos, and our thinking and access much higher states of consciousness in our lifetime.
So why aren’t we all doing it?
I’m not sure, to be honest, but I know that it’s beginning to unfold.
I suspect we will all do it when we realize our interconnectedness and fall in LOVE with creation. The flowers, the mountains, the birds, the trees, the oceans, and even where I am this week in all of the places I roamed as a child.
And the GREAT news is that life will do the best it can to maintain the conditions for life no matter what. It has our backs it’s self-organizing and self-correcting.
Sometimes I think our free will gives us a bit too much rope so we keep getting ourselves tangled up in it. Unlike the birds you are hearing outside your window this morning at dawn, it may not feel urgent for you to hop up out of bed to do what you love and find joy in your life not because anyone is forcing you to do it, but because if you don’t, YOU suffer.
In fact, we all suffer when you suffer. Your unhappiness has a morphic resonance that we all feel. Your family, your friends, and total strangers.
It’s NEVER too late to do this all you need is to be here. To breathe and even if you’re in a hospital bed and it’s assisted that is just fine.
From my post last week our average level of consciousness from a kinesthetic scale of 0-1000 in North America is fairly low. About 212 in 2019 but the good news is that it is on the rise.
It’s happening. Let’s just take a quick dip into the metaphysical rabbit hole. We may still outwardly be experiencing the third-dimensional yellow ray effects of war, school shootings, racism, depression, and anxiety as side effects from our solar plexus or fear being our main source of guidance, but we are collectively evolving into the next higher energy chakra on a global level. The heart-centered green ray is a higher or fourth-dimensional being. Love guides us from this place, not fear. Those painful behaviors will fall away not because of better prescription drugs, our political agendas, or public policies but as our collective consciousness rises with our spiritual intelligence. We all play a starring role in making things new both in our own lives and extending them out in the world simultaneously by taking small actions every day to fulfill our own destinies.
It’s not complicated…
What is life showing you and calling you to do?
You may be surprised when you stop thinking about what you should do and allow yourself to be mystically guided or feel your way forward.
For me, I’m having the most incredible encounters with, believe it or not, owls! I’ve only ever seen one in my entire life which is understandable since they are nocturnal but this year alone, but since January I’ve had SIX live sightings or visits by three different owls in geographically different places. I’m not even sure what they mean or are pointing me to if I’m honest, I’ve been sent some articles about spirit animals and the symbolism, but I have officially noticed them now, and like the book “A Course In Miracles” was urging me to open its cover, it’s time for me to be open to being shown.
This picture is the most recent picture so you can see how absolutely incredible it is to see these magical winged creatures close up in the wild. I’ve been encountering this particular one on my morning dog walks and yes, I even keep going different ways! It has flown over the trail in the woods onto low visible branches directly in front of me. I stop and we stare at one another in awe, but I’m usually so freaking excited that I can’t get still and listen and of course, want to take a photo but I’m leaving that at home and ready to listen now.
Life is so incredible and is speaking to us directly.
What is yours saying to you?
I’ve been living up north this spring having the best visit with my parents and I’ve had the pleasure of catching up with many old friends in my hometown. I miss my own family but I also love being here with them so much, I can see how life has had its way with all of us. Their life stories are moving and the one thing that seems to have defined their experiences and polished their diamond hearts is the pressure they’ve been under and the experiences that have pushed them to their edges.
Our life circumstances and challenges tend to find us and they will continue to do so from the outside in, but what is something that you are being shown that could stretch your heart and mind from the inside out?
Are you willing to try something scary and new this year?
I will be right along with you. I’m not sure what exactly it is yet, but if you know yours please share it in the comments below so we can be inspired and energetically cheer you on in the Field.
Let’s all believe this is possible and imagine that we’re putting our hands in the huddle like they do on Ted Lasso and agree to stop ignoring, declining, or ghosting our lives, and let’s cheer “Answer the call”, on three!
Who knows who or what is wisely trying to get your attention?
Hoot. Hoot!
With love,
ps. Happy Father’s Day and I’m happy to report that Scott and the boys made it!!! They stumbled into camp before midnight and to quote my husband who incidentally is not at all religious… “We made it. Holy crap that was hard!” and yes, it really is holy and often crappy, but always holy, and from up above we can see clearly that no matter how painful it feels our lives are really worth doing well!