Today we’re going to sink deeper into this love that is the Source of our Being.
You may be wondering, what does the number 5 or Jackson Pollock have to do with it?
And what do I mean by an Olympic-sized love?
Patience young grasshopper. I’d like to bring you into the endzone with me, but first let’s work our way up the Field together.
Things aren’t always what they seem. There is something that becomes orphaned in us when what is unseen by us is left unclaimed. It can unknowingly become the arbiter of our life waiting to be discovered by us.
On some level, we all understand that numbers are symbols. They are ideas. A way to quantify something.
But is there more for us to see?
This particular number 5, is said to be a powerful symbol of our unity with all of life.
We can begin to experience the satisfaction of the wholeness of life of this number even when we’re quite young. Do you remember the feeling of turning 5 and silently stretching all 5 fingers with gusto when anyone asked, “How old are you”?
I do. It felt good not having to keep some fingers up and get others to stay tucked down.
Have you noticed that we celebrate milestone birthdays mostly in increments of five? “Big” Birthdays, Anniversaries, and the ages we reach our eligibility for our retirement plans.
From math, and biology to astronomy, language, sports, art, nature, and spirituality the number 5 has such significance that after today you may never look at it the same way again.
This number seems to have a distinct energy and power of its own that to most of us on the surface remains undetected. When I first started to dig into the research, the obvious made itself known.
For instance, the simple fact that we have 5 fingers and 5 toes. Most amphibians, mammals, and reptiles have them too.
We also have 5 senses - sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
And there are 5 vowels… A, E, I, O, U.
Hmmm… is it just me or is this number all of a sudden getting more interesting?
It’s also how we choose to bundle sets of “somethings” and we mark the fifth as a perpendicular or diagonal line over 4 other straight lines.
We learn to count and add that way. A bundle means 5.
Like Tom did in “Cast Away”.
Our bodies have a 5-pointedness to them that has been well noted since the beginning of time in cave drawings and even cartoons drawn by our kids…2 legs, 2 arms, and a head to form a star or a pentagram.
Groups of 5 can even show up as a larger symbol for something else.
For instance, we all recognize these 5 colorful rings.
Created in 1912 by Pierre de Coubertin and inspired by laurel or olive wreaths which were popular decorative elements at the time -these wreaths along with the goddesses of victory inspired the ring motif.
The design of these 5 rings was driven by a spirit of unity.
The interlocking rings are meant to symbolize the union of our five habitable continents-Africa, Asia, America, Europe, and Oceania coming together. (Although the Olympic torch has been as far north as the Arctic in the 2014 Sochi Olympic Relay when eleven torchbearers accompanied the expedition who have made great contributions to the study of the Arctic and the preservation of its natural resources, wildlife, and the environment)
To take the symbolism deeper, did you know that the six colors of the rings are the same ones found in EVERY single country flag participating?
This short video (2:21 minutes) captures the power of this symbol better than I ever could with words.
Some athletes even have the 5 rings tattooed on their skin and claim they have defined their lives. What may not be so obvious at first glance is that what they are craving is something much more than just a personal victory.
It’s our human design. We are ALL built to align with something greater than us.
We crave to be in union and we confuse it with personal success. When we focus all of our life force energy on going faster, jumping higher, or being the strongest we can lose ourselves in the process.
That is an illusion. Our sense of worth can’t ever come from that kind of impermanence.
Our consciousness can tell us the rest of the story.
It’s a different story. One of being a part of a larger ecosystem.
This togetherness is starting to be felt in the mainstream. In fact, on the 20th of July 2021, the Session of the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognizes the unifying power of sport and the importance of our global solidarity. The change adds the word “together” after an en dash to “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. The new Olympic motto now reads in Latin “Citius, Altius, Fortius - Communiter” which now makes it “Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together”.
As I’ve alluded to many times before, when we separate ourselves, we suffer.
I was deeply moved by Brett Rapkin’s documentary film narrated by Michael Phelps which suggests there is a price to pay or a “weight” to chasing gold medals. The Weight of Gold is a documentary of how our egos deal with the abyss or dramatic loss of purpose after the gates to the athlete’s village are closed.
We’re warned about this psychological hook that can force or pull us off the stage of our lives and plunge us into darkness in most scriptures and spiritual traditions where it’s referred to as a “false idol” or the equivalent.
Idolatry is the worship of something (a person, performance, money, technology, a sports team, a body, alcohol, work, a famous person, a public image, dieting and working out, an obsession with youth, sex, a home, a vehicle, drugs, music, food or any "idol" other than God) as though it were a deity. Even religious icons or our own “God concepts” can become idols.
We put all of our focus and energy on the idol because we believe that IT could be our “salvation”, which is just another often misunderstood religious word for freedom. What we’re being saved from is ourselves.
This is not about religion or any particular belief system and none of us is immune to it, even if we are one of the strongest and fastest in the world.
Michael Phelps, the American swimmer is the most decorated athlete in Olympic history with 28 medals, which included a record 23 gold. At the 2008 Games in Beijing, he became the first athlete to win eight gold medals in a single Olympics.
What we didn’t know then is that he silently suffered from depression, and anxiety, and had suicidal thoughts for years. In 2004, after winning six gold and two bronze medals at the Athens Olympics, Phelps said he felt “post-Olympic depression” for the first time.
He bucked up and pushed on like an Olympian, but on some deeper level life and winning felt meaningless to him.
What is going on here?
What Carl Jung calls “the afternoon of life” is a time when “one has to find that meaning from within” which involves a recognition of the self as a spiritual being.
“One cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning; for what was great in the morning will be of little importance in the evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening become a lie.”
—Carl Jung
Jung viewed the process as requiring disengagement of sorts from the identity and values formed in the morning of our lives.
The statistics are showing us something that none of us want to admit.
We’ve been wrong about ourselves.
Michael Phelps contemplated ending his own life in 2012.
Thank goodness he didn’t, but sadly 186 Olympic athletes have committed suicide.
When I first read that I cried. How can this be? We are taught to strive, to push, and to become the best version of ourselves.
We have trouble connecting the dots.
We have confused ourselves or what A Course In Miracles calls “level confusion”.
We are Divine in that we all come from the same source. We are like one cell cooperating in a bigger body for the well-being of the whole.
None of us are special and all of us are. We’re all the same. We are like a wave in the ocean. We matter.
On a micro level, when a cell or a wave in a body tries to do its own thing, to be stronger or better than other cells, we call that cancer. Or a Tsunami. Neither is aware of the damage they cause, both destroy or consume everything.
Killing its host. Alan Watts said something in the early 1970s that popped up on my YouTube feed this week that stuck with me and it seems that Augustine, Meister Eckhart and Catherine of Genoa agree…
“You and I have all conspired with ourselves to pretend that we are not really God. Of course, we are. We are all apertures through which the Universe is looking at itself. It’s so arranged that we don’t know, in the same way, we don’t look directly at our own eyes”. —Alan Watts
God is more intimate to me than I am to myself. —Augustine
Between God and the soul, there is no distance. —Meister Eckhart
My deepest me is God. —Catherine of Genoa
Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying they any of us need to stop striving to achieve a new personal best, that is not the problem.
Just the opposite… let’s challenge ourselves to live a BIG life.
To set higher limits on our own lives to evolve and expand our capabilities.
AND get better, faster, and stronger….TOGETHER.
It’s the incredible more subtle way we can move forward, celebrate our achievements, and excellence, and yet realize on some deeper level now that what’s underneath the drive and emotions is a longing for a deeper belonging, this love or union that WHO we ARE is widely misunderstood and misdirected.
In the clip, you can see that the athletes all agree that the Olympic experience bonds them. It’s like what Alpine skier Jack Gover calls “a team environment for all nations”.
We of course CAN participate without losing ourselves or being sucked into a vortex of believing that our identity and our worth are attached to our performance or results, and when we do and we believe it, we’ll be fine.
Better than fine. We’ll thrive.
It was Carl Jung who first popularized the phrase “the two halves of life” to describe the two major tangents and tasks of any human life and I find it so helpful.
The first half of life is spent building our sense of identity, importance, and security—what I would call the false self and Freud might call the ego self.
Jung emphasizes the importance and value of a healthy ego structure. But inevitably you discover, often through failure or a significant loss, that your conscious self is not all of you. It’s the part of you that you think is the “acceptable you”.
You will find your real purpose and identity at a much deeper level than the positive image that you present to the world.
In the second half of life, the ego still has a place, but now in the service of the True Self or soul, your inner and inherent identity. Your ego is the container that holds you all together, so now its strength is an advantage. Someone who can see their ego in this way is probably what we mean by a “grounded” person.
Richard Rohr
“It was only after the illness that I understood how important it is to affirm one’s own destiny. In this way we forge an ego that does not break down when incomprehensible things happen; an ego that endures the truth, and that is capable of coping with the world and with fate. Then, to experience defeat is also to experience victory.”
Carl Jung
Jung says that during the second half of life, our various problems are not solved so much by psychotherapy as by authentic religious or an awakening experience.
Jung had a significant influence on Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Wilson also emphasizes that a “vital spiritual experience” is the best therapy of all.
A vital spiritual experience, according to Wilson, is the foundational healing of addiction, much more than mere “recovery”—which is just getting you started and sober.
Aliveness comes from the inside out.
This has been my own experience with depression and why I became a metaphysician. What finally healed me and ended the whole chess game is a realization that what is meta or bigger than matter exists in all of life. It’s the cause of what we see and experience in what we perceive as reality.
When we recognize this deeper truth THEN we’ll be able to put 100% into our performance, get in the flow or the zone, and be at one with life. The rest is up to a higher power and our soul’s mandate for what we came here to experience.
We can move forward together in BEAUTIFUL ways when we’re unified with this higher power.
This includes having different opinions, theologies, skin colors, sexes, and political views even in our own countries, AND competing with integrity.
From this higher place that exists in all of us, we can cheer one another on to be our best and not feel jealous or threatened. We would even share training tips and not operate from fear, but from integrity. From love.
It’s like we’re pilots and instead of staying in the turbulent zones, we choose to fly at a higher altitude. If we stay stuck in the turbulence we probably are unaware that we can rise above it and have a much smoother trip.
The ego has us so concerned about spiritual bypassing, for good reason because what we are doing is bypassing the ego and the mind and aligning to this higher or “Christ Consciousness”.
This is not a religious teaching.
It dawned on me the other day that football coaches have to cover their faces on the sidelines to hide their lips to prevent others from reading them and using it against them like that is a normal thing to do.
We have all accepted it as a precaution so our words aren’t used against us.
When we realize our oneness, cheating, and lying fall away naturally, and would never be a tactic we’d ever choose to use to win. Not because it’s morally wrong, but because a lie cannot even be held at this higher frequency that is potential in us. It would be painful or uncomfortable for us to live out of integrity not for fear of karma or punishment but because it’s out of alignment with what is best for the whole.
Let’s circle back to the Number 5…
In religion, a five-pointed star is considered a deeply spiritual symbol.
The pentacle — which is also called a pentagram — has been thought of as having protective or powerful magical properties.
The star pattern has been used as a symbol of magic throughout history. It represents protection. It has a playful and cheerful energy. It’s associated with fun-loving people and it’s what’s at the tip of a magic wand.
In numerology, the number 5 means flexibility and resilience. It represents the joy of life, being in a flow state, change, adventure, transformation, and luck.
It also means learning by trial and error and it represents the entirety of humanity.
It’s deeply engrained into the elements of the universe as identified as the 5 sacred elements: Earth, water, fire, wood, and metal.
In Hinduism, the 5 are Earth (Mahabharata), Ether (Akasa), Air (Vayu), Water (Jalam), and Fire (Agni).
In nature, 5’s appear everywhere.
At lunch, Scott and I (and Gracie) love to share an apple (Scott’s the expert carver in our family:) and the way most of us cut apples it’s easy to miss, but guess what the seed pattern on fruits like pears and apples is?
And 5 pointed flowers like columbine or periwinkle flowers are everywhere.
In astronomy, there are 5 unique positions in space called “Lagrangian points” where an equilibrium is created from the 5 points and a spacecraft or climate observatory can stay static in space.
The 5-pointed knot is called the lover’s knot. Binding two distinct lines together more securely than any other knot. The association of knots with love, friendship, and affection dates back to antiquity.
Ok, maybe just a few more because it’s hard to stop!!
5 is considered lucky in Chinese culture because it’s related to the 5 Emperors of China and the 5 blessings - happiness, luck, prosperity, wealth, and longevity.
In Christianity, the number 5 symbolizes God's grace, goodness, and favor toward humans. The word "five" is recorded 345 times in Scripture. Since 5 represents grace, when it is multiplied by itself, it produces 25 which is 'grace upon grace' (John 1:16).
There are 5 books in the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts.
There are 5 books in the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. (called the “Five Books of Moses")
The Ten Commandments contain two sets of 5 commandments. The first five commandments are related to our treatment and relationship with God with the remaining one concerned with our relationship with other humans.
There are 5 pillars of Islam representing faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage.
What does this mercury-ruled symbol have to do directly with love?
It’s a representation of divine love.
It IS the grace that multiplies.
It’s the bundle or what wraps around the 4 loose 1’s to make a whole entity.
Not the romantic love or “special relationship” we touched on last week that comes from our ego and is driven by fear and lack.
5 is a symbol of change and transformation.
It is even the amount of time many of us need to come full circle and heal from a deep significant loss, trauma, or life transition to a new energetic pattern. Even going through hormonal transitions like menopause and puberty can take an average of 5 years.
Kim Libertini the co-founder of the App “Good Grief” a social network for people who suffer loss describes the five-year marker or what she refers to as the “5 year deathiversary”. Kim sadly lost her best friend and partner Adam:
Five years could certainly be used to mark how far I have come in my fight to move forward from loss. There was a point, in the acute stages of grief, where I feared I might not be able to make it. I almost gave up. The days of paralyzing panic attacks are behind me. I have a fresh focus. The world around me doesn’t feel distant and disconnected. The smiles on my children’s faces are evidence of this new life that we have built. In the past five years I bought a new home. I have a new job and developed a new network of friends. As a survivor of loss these all seem like reasons to celebrate.Yet…. not a day goes by when I don’t think about all of these things he is missing.
And speaking of love, did you know, that according to statistics, if you stay with someone for 5 years it lowers the probability that your relationship will end?
“Five years is what it takes for any project worth doing. A great book, a campaign, launching a successful global start-up… it will take 5 years to play through.”
Stewart Brand
American project developer and writer, best known as the co-founder and editor of the Whole Earth Catalog. He has founded several organizations, including the WELL, the Global Business Network, and the Long Now Foundation. He is the author of several books, most recently Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto.
It makes me think of addiction and change. There are so many different models in psychology and recovery, but many of them look something like this…
The stages of change model (Prochaska et al., 1992) explains how deliberate change can happen. These 5 changes (along with the unofficial 6th stage of relapse) are where a person returns to old behaviors.
What if we allowed for that in our minds?
Of course, none of us want to relapse, but what if we dropped ALL of the judgment, took it one day at a time and simply saw it as a part of the healing and change process, rather than as a failure?
What we can’t do is change our lives by fighting the existing reality. It is a short-term solution. If we want long-term relief we need to shift, or as Buckminster Fuller put it, “create a new model that makes the old model obsolete”.
All of this is to say that FIVE is a number loaded with gifts and marvels to share.
We are often shortsighted with our goals in our expectation of quick results instead of staying the course, learning what we need to, and seeing the cycle to completion.
What if we allowed nature to take its course?
And realized once and for all that our souls do not need to EARN their worth.
This pure potential is in us, it’s our true nature, the I AM in us, Christ consciousness and it’s our inner capacity to do the most impressive thing ANY of us are capable of….
LOVE one another.
This Olympic-sized love is cosmic, compassionate, empathetic, passionate, and creative.
When we “tune in, tap in, and turn on” to this inner power as Abraham (Ester Hicks) would say, anything is possible.
I’m unsure when it will be unveiled, but one of the 2024 Olympic medal design entries (Starck) caught my eye. It’s a medal plus 3 others the athletes can separate to give to others who were a part of their success. In real time if they choose, they can gift a part of their medal to parents, siblings, or coaches.
It feels like others are beginning to understand that we can’t EVER do anything alone.
Last but not least, on average, how long do most athletes train for an Olympics?
5 years. That is correct:)
Before you go telling yourself that 5 years is too long of an incubation or preparation period for a goal, think again. When you see something produced that is so inspiring that it defies ALL the rules and makes grown people cry, like a gold medal Olympic performance then you’ll understand what I mean.
First, let’s take a trip to the Sistine Chapel and look up.
In just under five years, Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel.
There are more…
In five years Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth” and FIVE other immortal plays.
In 1961 Julia Child graduated from cooking school with the idea for a TV show. In five years she won an Emmy Award as America’s favorite TV Chef.
At age 30 Jeff Bezos was living in a 500-square-foot apartment. Five years later his net worth was over $10 billion.
Fired from their home improvement jobs, Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus created a business model they called “Home Depot”. Within 5 years of losing their jobs, their annual sales were $1 billion.
It’s not so much what they did (although these are pretty impressive examples), it was an innate passion and enthusiasm they possessed (or that possessed them) that they projected with love.
A passion for a mission. A problem that needed solving.
It came from love.
From a deeper place that always brings immense satisfaction, lasting fulfillment, and meaning to our lives when we see what’s beneath the surface of things not in the creations themselves but in our expression of this love in service to the whole.
Walt Disney’s MISSION statement was to make people happy.
Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google’s mission was to collect all of the world’s information and make it accessible to EVERYONE.
It can be about greed or accumulating wealth when it’s misused, although Mother Theresa was able to do both, it’s about this abundant power to serve the greater good.
Bill Gates built his fortune and then gave most of it away for the greater good. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the second-largest charitable organization in the world by assets, with an endowment worth nearly $70 billion. Through the foundation, Gates has reportedly donated more than $50 billion since 1994 to eradicate diseases, promote education, and advance gender equality.
In our small town, if we measured, the highest vibrational expression of love in all careers would probably be the crossing guard.
I remember a middle-aged woman named Bernadette who was the crossing guard who walked our kids across the street to school every morning in Leaside with a gorgeous smile and a hug for anyone who asked for years. We felt her beaming smile 3 blocks away rain or shine. I still remember the strong smell of her perfume that would stay on me for hours afterward.
Even if we are creative geniuses at connecting to Source temporarily, it doesn’t mean we are immune to pain or have an easy transition out of life. We won’t live a pain or struggle-free life because that is not the objective of life.
People who believe being spiritual means smooth sailing or being free of pain have misunderstood.
The human beings who have walked the earth before us in this higher consciousness while they have impacted millions of us have experienced great pain. Jesus. Ghandi. Saint-Francis. And thousands more.
We are meant to face resistance so we can evolve together. We came here to learn and express ourselves as a part of Source getting to know itself.
To LIVE fully. We’re not asked to be perfect Human Beings to connect to this giant love that empowers us or enables us to get into what athletes call “the zone” or “the flow” state.
We’re meant to LIVE and move and have our being there.
Connected to the Source of our Being even for any short periods we can hold them. It feels like bliss. Freedom from any external circumstances in fact at the highest levels of consciousness we don’t feel physical pain. This is hard for our brains to believe this, so for now let’s simply look at what a temporary visit is like for all of us.
Jackson Pollock was a master at finding this place inside himself when he painted.
A favorite American painter known for contributing to the abstract expression movement, and who had unique skills of drip painting. He was famous because he was instrumental in shifting OUR global perception of art.
He helped us move away from only figurative representation and landscapes to what defined art in our minds and challenged the whole Western tradition of only using easels and brushes. He used the force of his whole body to paint, which was expressed on the large canvases he used. Time magazine dubbed him “Jack the Dripper”.
He intuitively decided to take a road less traveled.
He preferred a non-stretched canvas and he even took it off the easel and preferred to tack it onto the floor or the wall. He preferred the resistance of the hard surface to connect with it in a primal way.
“Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is. When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It’s only after a sort of ‘get acquainted’ period do I see what I have been about. I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise, there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes out well.”
Jackson Pollock
Pollock was known to have a volatile personality and he struggled with alcoholism. He died at age 44 from a car accident that occurred as a result of his alcoholism.
No.5 is one of his most famous. It’s one of the most valuable paintings in the world, originally sold for $1,500. Now valued at over $200 million.
This is an example of how perceived value is something we culturally construct over time. Jackson was never paid hundreds of millions of dollars for his paintings nor was he attached to them the way his buyers are.
The original version of this was damaged so he made a new one from the buyer.
What art collectors see is something authentic. It’s priceless to them. And yet, many of us miss it when we first see modern art. Something I heard Alan Watts once said in a talk struck me as true:
You had to be in a certain state in order to achieve this. Because there was something fundamentally different between fine abstract painting and mere mess. A lot of people thought, “Oh, any child could do that!” And so they set out to make abstract paintings which nobody was interested in. They were just terrible. And some people took typewriters and hit them several times with a sledgehammer, and then mounted them on a cubic block of walnut and said: “Opus 14,” you know? And this is completely phony. But other people, for no explainable reason—nobody could possibly figure it out—but it was obvious that Jackson Pollock was not a phony.
Why do you suppose he called this painting “No.5”?
I discovered that Pollock stopped giving his paintings evocative titles and began instead to number them. His wife, artist Lee Krasner, later explained, "Numbers are neutral. They make people look at a painting for what it is—pure painting."
Our value and the meaning of our life are not determined by what others think of our creative or athletic accomplishments, what we do, or build, or how we look.
It’s not about leaving a legacy.
Or having to win at all costs. That is our ego talking.
It’s about our state of being and being in union with all of creation.
Whether we are Jackson Pollock or a child learning how to hold markers we can connect to that state of union. Of oneness.
Love is the authentic expression that comes through us like a flow of water.
We’re not copying anything else when we’re in this place, or even caught up in thought or judgment. Like the sun, it shines on all of us equally. There is no podium in our true nature. Only participation as we move through the morning and afternoon of our lives.
And apples can be grown on trees however we imagine…
Ideas flow through us in this state so we can “paint” or project our creativity out into the world in many different ways.
In 2005 three college friends wished they had a simple way to share videos online with their friends. They started their own little company. YouTube. A year later they sold it to Google for $1.6 billion and “Time” magazine named their idea “Invention of the Year”.
So maybe it doesn’t take 5 years after all. Maybe it can happen in an instant if anything is possible if we intend to solve a problem and we’re not so attached to the result the way we’re taught to be.
What is your idea to help humanity?
The feelings of fulfillment we crave are found in that place inside of us.
Peace and contentment is an inside job. We are the creators. We can create something and be in the zone or the flow of love.
Whether we’re 5, 55, or 105.
“What is life for? It is for you.”
Abraham Maslow
Fear exists only in our minds. Our mission starts now and we’ll be guided to our next steps, energized and ready to be of service.
Let's try it. Just loosen our grip on trying to control our outcomes the way we’ve been taught to do and grow with the flow as we go.
It’s never too soon or too late.
Mozart wrote his first symphony when he was 7 and at 86 Ruth Rothfarb ran the Boston Marathon in 5 hours. (There’s that number again:)
“Here is the test to determine whether your mission on earth is finished:
If you’re alive, it isn’t.
~Richard Bach
What COULD you create or change in the next 5 years by aligning, trusting, and becoming a conduit for this love instead of a slave to your fears?
Let’s change the narrative.
Your sense of worth comes from your Soul, not your body or accomplishments.
Science gives us explanations, and that is a good start, but myth and spirituality give us meaning which alone satisfies the soul.
Thanks for reading, as they used to say on Sesame Street…
TODAY was brought to you by the number 5.
Ernie seems to be looking at it with awe, and now you know why.
With love,
Rev Nona
ps. I have a confession to make. I made it all month without using a “to go” cup and yesterday I found myself in the drive-thru at Starbucks and forgot! But now we know it’s how change happens. Maybe it will take 5 years for this to stick or maybe that was the last. Now I feel better:)
This week’s climate challenge is perfect for any lineup, car ride, or if you find yourself waiting for an appointment…
Watch the video below and if you feel moved or inspired check out the App. I’m only on level 1, but I’m going to give it a go and see if I can fine-tune things in our own home to reduce our family’s carbon footprint.
The truth is, planet Earth will be fine without us, but our lives depend on a healthy planet - and we can decide to take inspired action any way we choose. We really can make an impact and DO something about it.
We can make it a fun game to see how low we can go as a family to neutralize our effects and shift our perceptions and daily habits by taking bite-sized actions.
You can download your app for free:
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. It resonated deeply with me, particularly the emphasis on the importance of the number 5. Your ability to weave this theme into the narrative was both insightful and thought-provoking. It’s rare to find content that not only entertains but also imparts significant lessons. Looking forward to more of your work!