If you examine the various spiritual traditions and scientific theories about the origins of the earth, there is one often overlooked commonality.
Most of them agree that life, the Universe, and everything was first created by SOUND.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”
(John 1:1)
Not many people understand the genius of this simple biblical line.
The word was translated from the Greek word logos. Logos in its traditional meaning is sound, thought, principle, utterance, speech, or the act of speaking.
Our quantum physicists and our ancient mystics agree with Earth’s origins.
In physics, it’s referred to as “the Big Bang” theory.
What many people don’t know is that this theory was inspired and first proposed in 1927 by a Belgian Roman Catholic Priest Rev Georges Lemaître (who also dabbled in physics) and someone I would have loved to have had dinner with.
For anyone interested, I’ve linked some references here if you’d like to read up on this in more detail…
Rev Lemaître first derived "Hubble's law", now called the Hubble–Lemaître law by the IAU, and published the first estimation of the Hubble constant in 1927, two years before Hubble's article. Rev Lemaître also proposed the "Big Bang theory" of the origin of the universe, calling it the "hypothesis of the primeval atom",[9] and later calling it "the beginning of the world".[10]
I’m not sure who or what powers that be decided that this theory was “unchristian”, but they made a mistake by misinterpreting John’s gospel and separating science and religion and all of us in ways that have taken almost a century to overcome and many still separate the two.
Sound means vibration.
It’s well documented that Ancient Egyptians would think of an object and speak it into being.
It’s no wonder so many of us have been fascinated with “manifestation”.
They understood even back then that everything including us is energy and is in a state of vibration.
The ancient Egyptians believed that everything in the universe was connected and that everything had a unique vibration or frequency. They also believed that these frequencies could be used for healing, communication, and even to manipulate the physical world. They believed that by understanding the vibrations of the universe, they could harness its power which included building pyramids that we are still scratching our heads over.
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
Genesis 1:3
Science and religion have shown us that sound brings material into form. It impacts matter and the quantum field. Water, sand, air molecules, clay, and our human bodies.
To better understand how matter is shaped by sound, I find it helps to see how matter physically moves with different sound vibrations into surprising patterns and shapes…imagine these tiny grains bouncing into different shapes depending on vibrations emitting from sounds…
We have recently seen how sound and utterances affect water with Dr. Masaru Emoto’s famous studies on putting different mental intentions and sounds or articulations on water and how frozen under a microscope he could photograph the outcomes. These studies have since been replicated by the Noetic Science laboratories and have been published in scientific journals.
“Words are the vibrations of nature
Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature
Ugly words create an ugly nature
This is the root of the universe.”
~Masaru Emoto
We are more than 70-80% water and it becomes easier to understand that sound has the power to transform us on a cellular level.
Maybe this origin story or the timelines will change with discoveries, but for now, we all agree and both science and early scripture teach that…
In the beginning, the word, the first sound or utterance in our Universe was an explosion.
That then expanded and shaped the Universe.
This power that shaped the cosmos is much more than a mere vibration. It holds the key to healing and the potential to transform our world.
We know from quantum physics that even on an individual level we are ALL continuously created, affected, and evolve from the literal utterances we make, and the corresponding emotions they inspire animate those words by affecting our quantum field of energy and creating and shifting matter itself.
Matter is created first in mind, and then in matter through vibration. Nothing comes into form in this world without first being imagined. Everything including thought is a wave of energy and can only become a particle when there is an intelligent observer.
It’s our divine perceptions that are the creative force in the Universe.
Faith, belief, and thought are pure energy.
Prayer is the medium of miracles because it is WORD. It can shift matter even as a thought because it has a resonance in our morphic field.
We are ALL created and affected by logos, by this sound or utterance that then shaped the Universe. Logos is the ontological indwelling “Christ” potential or higher consciousness that is potential in every one of us.
The word spirit or spirits means to breathe, to blow, to live. It’s the divine breath in man.
We are walking dynamic spiritual potentials.
Sound is a power that continues to shape our cosmos with each note and affects our brains in astounding ways.
Sound vibrates every molecule in our body. It affects every cell within our being.
If the structure of space-time is ALL vibration of light, then at some stage it must convert to what we know of as sound. At the moment of that conversation, scientists now believe that the waveforms that make up the luminescence of everything - become the molecular patterns and fractals that we can see.
These patterns can be changed and adjusted by sound.
In cymatics, you have the beautiful mandala-like sacred shapes created by a singular frequency of sound coming through water and if we are 70% water it should make us question the sounds we are listening to most often.
Are they creating harmonic arrangements in our bodies or are we causing disharmony?
When we hear sound it feeds energy into every organ of our body…
Sound is a language we all speak and understand.
Just watching or experiencing a few minutes of this compilation of people from 23 cities in 17 different countries of people that downloaded personal videos of themselves dancing to Pharell Williams's song “Happy” will have you feeling the energy and physiology in your own body.
The sounds all around us become us. In nature, the birds, the wind, city sirens, traffic, and even coyotes howling all affect us on a cellular level.
Acoustical physics is researching the processes that we as humans experience in the soundscape from 20 kilohertz to 20,000 hertz. We are continually absorbing and transmitting sound energy and how what is happening inside of us is affecting the earth and the external universe around us.
We are biotransducers or organic vehicles of sending and receiving sound on ALL levels. Sound is the very definition of our holistic life patterns that compose the process of our evolution.
Is anyone else beginning to see the power and the implications of this?
The unified field theory unites this science of sound and spirituality.
Most modern understanding is string theory (vibrating strings). The different vibrations create the different elementary particles which are the building blocks of the atoms and molecules.
Sound is being reintroduced as a key aspect of our story of origin and we’re quickly discovering that consciousness is the primary substrate of all that is vibrating.
Whether you hear a gong or have crystal bowls being played on or over your body you are a participant or a co-creator of the soundscape that we live in.
Our bodies are basic conductors.
The music of our DNA and the higher vibrations allow us to emphatically feel another person’s mind that is inaudible to our normal ability to hear but can be sensed.
In acoustic and anechoic chambers around the world, research is being done and a growing body of evidence is supporting what the ancients have known and practiced for eons, sound, music, and vibration have a profound influence on our physical bodies revealing the potent potential of sound as a tool for healing.
One of the most important ways is through stress reduction. The research was pioneered by Dr. Herbert Benson in the 1980s showing that if you sounded out a one-syllable word frequently (think of the mantra “Om”), you would get a reduction of heart rate, respiration, and brainwaves.
“The relaxation response is a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional response to stress.”
Dr. Herbert Benson
Even when we hum we can increase our nitric oxide levels (which is a powerful vassal dilator) by more than 15 times. Nitric oxide (NA) generates a molecule that positively affects our circular systems, and immune systems with viral and anti-bacterial. (I recently stumbled on some Enya and discovered that she has a song called The Humming if you’re looking for a reason to hum.)
I sometimes listen to her song May It Be before I meditate to get into harmonic resonance.
As a prayer, I like to close my eyes and listen to Schubert’s “Ave Maria” like this classical version and it gives me what my friend Jody calls truth bumps or chills. I quickly activate my third eye (feel tingling) and can rarely get to the violin solo without feeling aligned and tearing up.
Music has a fascinating effect on our bodies. Dr. John Stuart Reid, an acoustic physicist has research showing how different musical sounds will help regenerate and reactivate the red blood cells.
Each organ in our body has a unique signature sound or resonates at different vibrations to serve a different purpose so by applying sound to the different parts of our bodies if they are in dissonance (diseased), we can restore them to their intended natural vibrations or return it to harmony and a healing response occurs.
Sound dissolves amyloids and plaques, it’s affecting our Alzheimers research, and using the sounds of the Veda for different parts of the body is being developed. I don’t know enough about the different Herz levels, but here is a diagram of the famous Solfeggio frequencies:
Scientific papers have been published on “Vedic Vibration” and it’s exciting to see different spiritual and scientific branches working together and supporting each other to improve our health and well-being in new and integrative ways.
The sounds seem to not only impact our physical well-being but also have a profound effect on our minds and emotions.
Sound affects our level of consciousness which in turn shapes the sounds we make. The sounds in nature have a healing effect on our bodies.
Last week walking on the beach and listening to the sounds of the ocean, the wind, and the birds affected me in felt way. It was exhilarating. The dolphins that swam by might have helped too - I was pretty excited and I may have jumped up and down:)
I once had a sound reading and my voice was recorded to collect information. We can even tell where we are in our cycles based on our tone and or if we are ill. By better understanding our relationship to sound we can begin to use it in our daily life in new ways.
This explains why sound healing has gained popularity in our communities in the last decade and offers spiritual growth through intention and meditation to help us harmonize our bodies.
We are more aligned to move stuck energy from trauma and receive messages from spirit when we are in harmony.
The crystalline energy in the crystal bowls aligns with the crystalline energy in our bodies. Usually, 432 Hertz frequency, and when they are played in our proximity can shift the frequency in our bodies.
The ancient Shamanic traditions of using sounds as a means FOR healing, for creating resonance and entrainment.
When you bring one thing that can vibrate at a certain frequency like a guitar string and you bring it into proximity with another thing that has the POTENTIAL to vibrate with that same frequency in time it will bring both into this “entrainment” or synchronization.
With sound, we can shift our consciousness at will.
When we relax into a meditative state with binaural beats it will quickly induce an altered state into a beta state or theta. If you want to be in a weighted gamma state feel uplifted and juiced up and creative but very alert of the outer world.
Places to help us are popping up in every major city, if you’re in the Collingwood area, please check out VORTEX Wellness so you can experience what this technology can do to help bring you back into harmony.
For an immersive group experience, my friends Justine, Jay, and Kathy also offer some remarkable sound healing and chanting sessions at a local yoga studio downtown Collingwood which I love- you can check out their offerings HERE - Lotus Sound.
The Mozart effect that you may have heard about is a study that was done at UC Irvine that showed that people who listened to classical music increased their IQ tests by 9 points versus when they were not listening to music or they were listening to other types of music.
This is because sound grants us access to greater amounts of information at higher states of consciousness.
The power of sound is available to us through not only music and instruments, but mantras, singing, humming, praying, and intentional speaking - ALL forms in which we use the human voice to speak reality into existence.
What we put out is what we create and attract.
We have the potential to shift our consciousness and the reality that surrounds us.
In ancient metaphysical teachings all “magic” is spoken.
Or by my words, so shall it be.
When I end my prayers, I like to add in a “and so it is” before or after my amen.
As we take our intention and express it outwardly through sound, through words, and especially certain ancient words in ancient languages like Sanskrit, they are formulas or building blocks for creation. We’ve discovered that by bringing certain letters, names, and sounds together we can impact the quantum field. We can use sound, toning, chanting, mantras, and rituals to manifest our deepest desires.
As we tone, we are not just expressing outwardly but we are affecting our innards, stimulating our parasympathetic systems and Vegas nerve creating a vibration inside that alters our state of being.
Once we truly understand the technology of sound we can do something like the Hannuman chant or lie still for sound healing and stop wondering if it’s helping or if we’re wasting our money. We can consciously choose to ignore the heckles that our fearful ego or material mind is sure to project into our minds out of self-preservation. It’s time for that fearful mind to shrink.
The work I feel called to do is to help people do just this - to shrink or transcend that material mind that is the cause of all fear, anxiety, and depression to experience themselves in their harmonic true nature. I’ve spent the last month formulating fun and practical ways to do this so stay tuned.
For today, I hope those of you who are more science-minded or hesitant to trust spiritual teachings can see how grounded they truly are IN science.
It’s interesting to me that it’s the silence in between the sounds that gives ALL sound structure. Where the sound stops is what makes the sound what it is, otherwise it’s a continuous sound.
The punctuation of silence gives the vibration the structure that can heal.
It’s not like the silence punctuates the sound, it’s the sound that punctuates the silence.
Transcendence, or the field of ALL possibility is a field of SILENCE.
Now we all know that there is more than meets the eye or ear but this explains why we all love lullabies as babies and singing camp songs. They soothe and shift our state of being.
Sound is the fundamental essence of existence from shaping the cosmos to the creation of matter.
Sound is sacred.
We can be active participants in the creation of a more compassionate planet in harmony with all of life.
At least now we know that we are echoing the unseen threads that are shaping our reality.
YOU are word.
YOU are an aspect of God being brought forth.
Your vibration matters.
With love and humming,
Rev Nona
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible…
“The leaf of every tree brings a message from the unseen world.”
Rumi ~ 13th century poet
At the spiritual level, trees, plants, and animals can help us become more aware of our connections with something larger than ourselves.
In mythology, trees are sometimes portrayed as the abodes of nature spirits.
We even have a special word — dendrolatry — regarding how we worship trees.
Here are pictures of the two oldest trees on Earth…
I’m filled with awe the more I learn about the natural world, it is WONDERful. It would be impossible for me to ever believe that God or Source is not in ALL of life on our planet.
Do trees and plants have a silent awareness or a consciousness? It’s a hot debate but science is discovering that they are aware of themselves because they can take in multiple pieces of input and make decisions based on that input. Like us, they can accept, transform, or change based on the input.
In other words, adapt.
We can quite literally measure and synthesize sound messages from plants and we do it through water. Water seems to be the key element that gives life to ALL conscious beings on earth.
Are you curious to hear some interspecies music?
After listening it seems to me that plants have something to say. Our next level of evolution as human beings may be to evolve in harmony with ALL of life.
Does this video make you want to drink more water too? :)
Great read !